Today was another tired and sore day for Julie, but better than yesterday. Dr. Dinh came in this morning and said that everything continues to look very good with labs, Julie’s activity, etc. He changed her diet back to regular so she can now eat “anything” she wants, though there are some obvious things you want to stay away from when your digestive system is raw so she is taking it slow and easy with what she eats. Dr Dinh felt like there was a real good chance that she will get to go home tomorrow, but he said Dr. Robertson will be back and it will be his call. We have (and will repeat tomorrow) asked that they be very conservative and not discharge us too early. However, all of the things we really wanted to happen before we were comfortable going home have pretty much happened. Her hemoglobin is low. If it is lower tomorrow we will ask more questions, but Dr. Dinh felt like it would be fairly stable.