He is Able Ephesians 3:20-21

I am so glad that God can do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think. Aren’t you?

Amidst the COVID-19 virus, the locusts in Africa, the tensions between some countries, and natural disasters we could feel defeated. As Christians, we have the answer–it’s Jesus Christ. Don’t forget whose child you are! You are a son or daughter of the most High King! He has the power to say, “Peace–be still” and the storms around us would cease.

I am excited to share with you the words from my friend Robbie. We have known each other for many years. We met through the adoption arena because we both have beautiful children from China. Robbie has a heart for sharing the love of Jesus with others and would give you the shirt off her back if she thought you needed it.

Here is her story . . .

Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him that is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen

My daddy was a good man, a moral man, but he was not a Christian.

My dad loved his family. He came home after work every day, stopping only to buy cigars when he was running low. He walked in the door, greeted his family, and kissed my mom. He encouraged my sister and me to do our best in school and attended our extra-curricular activities. He built hope chests and repaired toys. He had the “look” that could correct my behavior in a second and a hug that warmed my heart.

Outside of the home, though, my dad was a quiet man. He had an abusive stepfather as a young child and learned the best way to avoid confrontation was to keep to himself. He spent a lot of time solving crossword puzzles, and he was one of the smartest men I ever knew.

Daddy only wore earth tones, blues, greens, brown, and black, because he did not want to draw any attention to himself. In high school, he took a zero rather than give an oral book report, but still became Valedictorian. When my friends came over, he said hello to them, but rarely had any conversation with them.

I gave my life to Jesus and asked him to be Lord of my life as a teenager and invited my parents to church. Daddy broke my heart when he said, “I have better things to do on Sunday.” I didn’t ask him again for years. But, I prayed for him! As our family grew, and grandchildren came along, he softened to the idea of church. He would attend on occasion, usually if the grandchildren were doing something special.

On the last night of a revival, nearly 20 years after I became a Christian, my daddy gave his heart to Jesus. Our Heavenly Father had answered my prayer.

And, he did so much more!

My once quiet daddy came out of his shell! To tackle his fear of talking in front of people, he began to sing. I don’t think I had ever heard my daddy sing anything before, other than “Happy Birthday.” He surprised us all when he sang a solo in church. He had practiced at work, and we had not idea! Then, he joined the choir.

Daddy went on visitation, invited strangers to church, and became a deacon. Did I say he invited strangers to church? I should correct that. After Daddy was saved, he never met a stranger. He carried a Roman Road tract in his front shirt pocket and shared them everywhere he went. My best friend from high school visited my parents’ home after his life change, and she asked, “Who is that man? And, what did he do with your dad?”

He actually began to wear brighter colors, even a red tie at times. The same man who refused to give an oral book report, wore a Roman soldier costume, showed his legs to all of the church, and had a speaking part in the Easter cantata. During a Wednesday evening Bible study, our pastor was preaching from Ephesians. When he read Ephesians 3:20, he said, “Sister Robbie, that’s what God did with your daddy.”

Since that day, God has continued to use Ephesians 3:20 to remind me of his power and his desire to do more for us that we can even imagine-all for His glory.

He has opened doors for missions when the mission seemed impossible. He has provided more than we needed to go-allowed us to give more to the ministries we were supporting. He has sent his Holy Spirit to fall during moments of uncertainty, sending encouragement through a group of boys who we were ministering to. They taught me more about God’s faithfulness than I could ever had taught them.

The make up of my family holds so many Ephesians 3:20 moments, I couldn’t contain them here. When I was the happy mom of 2 biological children, I would never, ever have imagined I would one day be the mom of 7, with 5 adopted children now part of our family.

As our family grew, our circle of friends grew even bigger. It was because of adoption, I met Julie and Ben and their precious family. God was doing more than I ever asked by providing a support system and group of lifelong friends I might never have known.

Daddy passed away almost 4 years ago. My heart has never grieved so hard, but his funeral was another Ephesians 3:20 moment. At the visitation, I had so many people share moments of Daddy’s influence on their Christian walk. The story of Daddy’s changed life and his servant’s heart was inspirational to more people than I ever imagined. I am so thankful that the LORD saved him, but even more so that his life was a testament to God’s power and for His glory.

This last week has been a test of faith for me. I have fought battles with worry about finances as COVID-19 interrupts our business. What I ponder now, though- when this crisis is over, how will God have once again proven Himself faithful? What will I ask that He will answer in a way that is more than I imagined?

We have seen a kind of stress and anxiety in our world that most of us have never experienced. I am praying now for those who will read these words. I pray that the LORD will bring to remembrance those moments when his answer has exceeded your expectations. And, I pray it will give you hope when days are dark.

Now to him that is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen

Robbie Beahen

One thought on “He is Able Ephesians 3:20-21

  1. What a wonderful testimony of GOD’s saving grace. To see such a change in a man is truly miraculous. I too have seen the hand of the LORD supply for me and my family when it looked like there was no way we could have done anything on our own and the windows of heaven opened up a carload of food or a check in the mail or a knock at the door, only the LORD can provide like HE has in the past and also now that I am a widow. I thank HIM everyday for HIS protection and care for me.

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