Proverbs 4:23 Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart–this requires us to take action, to be proactive. There is beauty in this thought because it reminds us that we play an important part in how we think, in our interactions, and in how our days shape up. What a perfect reminder while we are living in close contact with our loved ones–guard our heart–we may just see that the change we desire to see begins with steps of action on our part.

Our guest blogger, Amber, and I taught together at what used to be Waynesville Elementary in Brantley County. She is a fantastic teacher, loves her family deeply, and let’s Jesus shine out of her life. I love her wise words that tell us how and why to guard our heart . . . keep reading below. . .

A few months ago, in a busy period of life, my nerves were short. I began to notice that I was having a steady flow of negative thoughts about others. I realized that I was creating an internal drama that didn’t exist–damaging relationships in my mind.

By choosing to continue the thoughts, I was feeding negativity. My well spring was bountiful alright–but the steady flow was neither pleasing to God or myself. Proverbs 4:23 kept circling in my mind: Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

I realized that God was reminding me to guard my heart because what I put in it, is what comes out of it. I had to be intentional in rebuilding the armour to fortify my heart. I made an effort to look for positive actions and qualities in those around me. I stopped and thanked God for what I got to see, experience, and for the blessings they were to others.

Along the way, I realized I was talking to God more and depending on Him more. My well spring went from a trickle to a cool, sustaining flow that helped to strengthen my earthly relationships but moreover, the one with my Father.

God is calling us to guard our hearts to keep the wellspring that he provides true and pure. In today’s chaotic and ever changing world, the content coming at us can be scary and cause us to have bouts of anxiety. God wants us to be wise and arm ourselves with knowledge, but He also wants us to guard our hearts with His words–His ever present assurance that His grace is sufficient for us. Of course there is yuckiness present in this flawed world. Our human nature wants to dwell on that, but God wants more for us, so guard your heart!

Amber Green

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