This is the Day Psalm 118:24

After watching my video, I need to give a little disclaimer to a point I was making at the end of the video. I very much believe that God is allowing the Coronavirus to be here on this Earth, but I don’t think that He sent it as a plague for our world. When I was referring to “He made it” I was trying to say that He made the day–not the virus. Sorry if that’s a little unclear. It is evident that I am not a professional, but I hope that you can hear that our hope is in Jesus. Stay for the bloopers–cause I certainly goofed up more than I can count–Ben didn’t include them all! Have a blessed week!

2 thoughts on “This is the Day Psalm 118:24

  1. Good job Agees! I woke up this morning saying that verse! So glad to hear the surrounding verses. It adds much more meaning. Thanks!!!

  2. Oh I loved hearing your voice. Threw me back to TX and coffee and quilting and Bible study. But the same God that was there is here with us today even though we are in different states. I have been studying 1st Peter in my small group. Read 1st Peter 2:5-7! Talks about that very cornerstone. Love you. Big cyber hug.

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