1Chronicles 29:11-12

When I was born in 1969, I came home to 3 siblings and ready made friends. We grew up playing school, and pretending to be doctors and nurses with whatever “medicine” we could concoct out of things we found in the yard. Thank the Lord we never actually took our own medicine–we probably would have died! We somehow all survived our childhood, and eventually got married and had our own tribes—we even provided our parents with 20 grandkids to spoil. I have loved my sisters for 50+ years, and I treasure their words of advice, their friendship and simply hanging out with them. Today, I get to share with you the words from my oldest sister, Sheryl. She has such a tender heart for Jesus and loves others well with her sweet spirit. I have always looked up to her and I will forever be grateful to her for setting up a “blind date” almost 29 years ago with Ben.

From our recent vacation near West Palm Beach, FL

Here is a glimpse of her heart from her words . .

My sister, Julie asked me to share my favorite bible verse and what it means to me.  I am the oldest of the sisters and Julie is 5 years younger than me.  When we were younger, we called her “Julie bug”. I am not sure why we called her that, hopefully, it wasn’t because she was a pest, but just a term of endearment, because I love my sister very much. (By the way, you are not allowed to edit that out by order of your oldest sister.)

I have been praying about this request.  As I read the inspiring verses that have been shared this year on the blog, I noticed that many of my favorites have already been used. But I also noticed that those favorite verses were very appropriate for a certain time in my life when they were my favorite.  So I thought what verse has been inspiring to me at this time in my life?  God has brought me through a lot of things in life and at the time I was going through them I thought, “I don’t know if I have enough strength to get through them”.  At this time in my life, I find myself having similar thoughts.  I am finding that God has given me the same answer now as He has given me over the years, just with a different verse.  The verse He has given me to meditate on and draw strength from to make it through each second of the day was introduced to me in a Crown financial class.  It was the first verse we were to memorize.  It inspired me then and it especially does now.  It is from 1 Chronicles 29:11-12, it says:

Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory,
the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all.  Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all.
In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand it is to make great
And to give strength to all.” (NKJV)

One reason these verses inspire me is because when I read it, I feel awed of who God is. Secondly, it makes me realize that if you are in relationship with Jesus, it is not about me or my concerns, but it is all about Jesus and who He is. Lastly, it reminds me that no matter what is going on, God is in control and from Him is where I find my strength.

Sometimes, we don’t necessarily like what is allowed to come into our lives.

Sometimes we sit stunned thinking . . . where did that come from?

I will admit, I don’t like that my sister has cancer and may only be healed in heaven. But when I feel this way, this verse reminds me, He has this and He promises He can give me strength to get through it.  Also, my wants are sometimes not what God wants. I would like to grow old with my sister.  However, God is using my little sister to do great things in His kingdom, and I am inspired by her as well to keep trusting God no matter what happens.

I hope you too will trust God with all of the overwhelming events that come into your life. 

I’m going to end with these words from the hymn, Trust and Obey, written by Rev. John Sammis in 1886 that we grew up singing in church. “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”

Sheryl Herrin

One thought on “1Chronicles 29:11-12

  1. Trusting God is the only way we get through life on earth! Thank you Sheryl for sharing your words of Gods promises! Love you sis!❤️

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