Letting Go Psalms 32:1-2

Today we are getting the special gift of diversity. A couple of things are unique about this blog. The first interesting piece of news is that the author asked to remain anonymous. I totally get her heart to let the focus be on the words and not the writer. Because I know her well, I can 100% support that decision. The next little nugget of information is that she has written the blog in the form of a dialogue poem. The words are beautiful and written from a true place of knowing the lavish love of our “Daddy” in heaven. His free gift of forgiveness is one of the hardest gifts to receive sometimes because we feel like we must do something to make up for our sins. The truth is that Jesus did it all for us over 2000 years ago.

She based her poem on the following verses:

Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” Luke 7:48 (NIV)

Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the LORD has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty!” Psalms 32:1-2 (NLT)

But he was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53: 5 (NIV)

Letting Go of my Past

I heard a knock. 
I looked back and I opened the door.
I did not want to let You in, because I was afraid.
Afraid of my past. Afraid of today. Afraid of tomorrow.
Can I trust You?
Will You hurt me?
There are so many things I do not understand about You.
You are pure, without sin, perfect.
I am broken, angry, done some terrible things.
You are the opposite of me.
You are good, kind, compassionate. You love me.
Why? Why do You love me?
I say bad words. I push people away.
Yet, You love me.
When I look at myself, my reflection, my true self,
I see shame, I see pieces, I see shattered dreams.
What do You see?

My Child, I see My Son’s blood covering your sin.
I see grace, My gift for you. 
You cannot earn My forgiveness or My love,
Although you have tried many times.

Daddy, I want to push You away, but I cannot.
When I look at me, no secrets, nothing hidden from Your light,
Your perfection hurts.
It reminds me of my failures, my inability to be perfect,
To not be enough.

My Child, you are loved, all of you. 
 I have forgiven you, every sin, 
Not one of them has been hidden from My eyes.
 I love you, child.
 Rest in Me. Let go of your past.
 Trust Me with it.
 I will help you learn to forgive yourself and let go. 
Trust Me.

I trust You, Daddy.
I need Your help to close this door.
It is heavy, it is too strong for me.
I have carried shame, guilt, and sorrow for so long.

Let it go.
You are forgiven, completely. All sins, past, present, and future.

How can that be, Daddy? I don’t understand.

I did not wear some of them, I wore all of them.
It is not your burden to carry or wear.
I lifted your sins, from your shoulders to Mine,\
I wore your sins when I went to the cross.
When I carried the cross on my back to Golgotha,
I wore your sins, your parents’ sins, every person’s sins.
Your sins became My burden to bear.
Look at them. Do you see them? Let them go.
I died for you, because I love you.
I chose to carry the weight of your sins, no one forced Me.
I chose to die on the cross,
A man on either side of me.
I offered a gift that day to two strangers.
Both were criminals, sentenced to death.
I offered the gift of forgiveness, for all of their sins.
I offered the gift of eternal life, life in paradise forever.
They could not earn my gifts, neither can you.
One chose to receive the gift.
One chose to reject the gift.
Are we done, Child?

Yes Daddy, we are done.

I closed the door to your past, with my sin offering, the perfect sacrifice.
Look at Me. No, Child, look at Me. Look me in the eyes. Hold My nail scarred hands.
Your past is no longer yours, it is Mine.
You ready?

I nod, smiling.
Quietly we move toward the door. His hand holding mine.
I glance up into His eyes. I see extravagant love.
I put my hand on the door. His hand covers mine.
The door doesn’t seem so heavy anymore.
He closes the door to my past.
Praise the Lord, through Christ, I am freed.
In His grace I stand—pardoned, completely forgiven.
I am at peace with God, through my Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Daddy.

Written by: One who has struggled with receiving God’s gift of forgiveness

3 thoughts on “Letting Go Psalms 32:1-2

  1. Absolutely beautiful. Such a perfect description of God’s heart for us and out longing for His forgiveness. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Absolutely beautiful!! Touched my heart!! Though we all have different “stories” most of us question from time to time how God could love us. You have explained it in a way that has truly painted a picture of His grace for us all. Thank you!!

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