A Little Bit Closer to Hannah

Well–two things to report . . .

1) We heard back from the test results that our doctor asked us to get–One test is fine. To be quite honest I’m not sure what the results of the other test mean, but I know that it appears to be something that can easily be dealt with.  I’m so glad we didn’t wait to start the paperwork until the test results came back.  God is showing me that our decisions must be bathed in prayer and made according to God’s will. 

2) God gave us a glimpse of his glory last night. Someone in our church blessed us with a love gift to “Help get Hannah Home”.  It was like he was saying–this is just the beginning, do you trust me for all that you need?  So–while we take baby steps on another faith journey, we are still watching to see God work.  Please continue to pray with us for the financing. 

Thanks for all of the encouragement yall have given to us!