Blessings in many ways

Yesterday –yes Saturday–we had 4 doctor appointments.  It was such a blessing!  They were all well-baby check-ups for Hannah’s adoption. 

I had tried to schedule the appointments with our regular pediatrician , but the staff person I was talking to told me that the doctors had decided not to take any well-baby appointments unless the child was under 4 years old.  She told me to check with an urgent care place.  Well I tried–but the urgent care place wouldn’t touch it because they had to order tests etc. 

So I found a doctor that could get them all in this week.  When I went by our pediatrician’s office to have our files sent over to the new doctor, our pediatrician came in during my conversation with the staff about transferring our paperwork.  She looked at me and said–No, this is what we are going to do–and she proceeded to tell her staff that she would she us on Saturday when her office is not usually open.  THAT just doesn’t happen every day.

I also had the opportunity to get to have some funny moments with our kids.  They each had to fill out their own paperwork–per the doctor’s request.  I laughed at some of the answers they wanted to write down on their form.  In fact the nurse closed the door on us one time cause we were being a little “rowdy”.

The doctor told me two things as we were getting ready to leave.  She asked, “Do you know what a special family you are?–You have a great group of kids.”  Well I think so too!  When I told her how much we appreciated her seeing us on Saturday — She looked at me and told me it was the “Right thing to do!”  I had to agree!

So I just wanted to share with you our continued blessings!

Spend sometime this week doing the Right Things and see how many people’s lives you can make a difference in!