God is Showing Out!

Today has been a little stressful–we had to answer what seemed like a bazillion questions about ourself, our family, our marriage etc., we are completing the questionaire necessary for the homestudy.  When we completed it, we asked now what’s next?

The next two things needed to  help complete the Homestudy are our GBI checks and our 10 hours of Hague Training. 

Well we knew that we had a deadline of Jan. 5th to get these accomplished, because that is when our actual home study visit will be.  We were wondering how we were going to pay for these costs.  We have been trying to be careful not to tell the amounts before the need is met, because we just want God to get the Glory.

So today Ben went ahead and scheduled both visits, knowing that God would have to take care of the costs.

Then I got a phone call.  A friend of ours was at work and was talking to a customer about Hannah.  She was telling her how God had been meeting our needs for the adoption.  As the woman was getting ready to leave, she took an envelope and put $200 into it and said, “When the Holy Spirit speaks, I listen.”  I want you to give this to that family.

Can you guess how much we need for our GBI checks and our 10 hours of Hague training?  It is about $225.00.

I’m not sure what to say–except Thanks!  Thanks to our Heavenly Father who is proving himself over and over.  Thanks to the woman who listened to the Holy Spirit and obeyed. 


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