A Little Bit of Sunshine to Tide us Over!

No–I am not referring to Auburn winning the National Championship!

Even though in my household–all the males are walking around like peacocks!

No, I’m talking about an e-mail from our agency–Great Wall.

It came early in the evening.  It was from a family who traveled to China in November.  They met Hannah when they adopted her foster brother.  So they took pictures and a short video of our soon to be daughter.  She sent a few last night.  She also sent a few fostercare reports of when Hannah was younger.  We can’t believe that we have been given such a treasure of information.  We were not able to get that kind of information about Leighanne.  Sometimes my heart hurts for the unknown about her birth parents. (But that is another story for another day.)  Today I will rejoice in what we do have!

The family that adopted her foster brother felt compelled to advocate for Hannah when they returned from China.  Little did they know that we were already praying and taking steps to adopt Hannah.  When they returned, the family searched for Hannah’s picture on the waiting list and couldn’t find it.  They found out from a teenage girl who advocates for children to be adopted that Hannah had gotten a family–us.  So they contacted Great Wall and we were able to connect.  It IS a small world after all!

So until I can hold Hannah in my arms, and love her like a mommy–I will hold onto my little bit of sunshine!

This is Joan holding Hannah in November.  Look at the date–3 days after Orphan Sunday!
Joan is the mother of Nathan–Hannah’s Foster Brother.

Pray for Hannah–to remain healthy–her eye appeared to be a little infected we were told.