Our house is Soooo Clean!

Well we just completed our In-Home visit with our social worker. 

I think we should tell our kids that the Home Study lady is coming every week–our house looked great and smelled clean! (not that we live in a pig sty, but some rooms in our house, whose owners we will not disclose, are now CLEAN!!!

Like–look there IS a floor Clean!

Like–oh–that’s what the washer/dryer is for Clean!

Ok–I digress, but anyways, another step was completed today.

We also went to the doctor today to get our paperwork completed for Ben and myself.  We had to get an outside notary to come in to the office because the doctor offices notary’s stamp expires in May 2011.  We didn’t know who to ask because our Doctor office is about 15 minutes away in Florida.  We ended up finding this really awesome Notory (after a few phone calls to the North Florida Association who sent us to Yulee Baptist who sent us to our notory) who brought her 6 month old granddaughter with her to our Doctor visit and waited for about 45 minutes before the doctors were ready for the forms to be signed.

Yet another need prayed for, and answered.

We are thankful!

Ok–all of our prayer warriors–we need another BIG miracle soon.  Please pray and pray often.  We really depend on the prayers of our friends and family.

One thought on “Our house is Soooo Clean!

  1. I am so excited for you and your family! It is amazing how God works out the details and provides exactly what we need. Looking forward to hearing more about what God is doing.
    I have a former professor who has adopted one child and is in the process of adopting an older girl hopefully before it is too late for her to be adopted. I have been following her blog since they adopted their first daughter three years ago. It has been a blessing to watch this little girl grow as well as this family.

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