Makeover Time!

“I didn’t even know it needed to be done until I see it now—and Wow! It’s just beautiful.” One of my daughters said that to me over the weekend after she saw the completion of one of our latest projects around the house. We recently gave the wall our television is on a “makeover”.

We’ve been living in our home for almost 3 years, and I could never put my finger on exactly what I felt it needed, so I left it blank. It didn’t really bother me—nor anyone else for that matter.

But 2 months ago in January, I had been playing around with some wooden crates for more storage in my craft room/grandkids playroom and I had a great idea . . . I wonder if I buy smaller crates and frame around the television, and then incorporate a shelf on the top 2 crates to bring it all together.

Ok–can’t envision what was in my mind? Don’t worry, Ben couldn’t either. I got to work explaining and showing him what I wanted to do and then I got busy putting it together.

I ordered 6 mini-crates from Michael’s for about $5 each and bought a 2 x 6 x 10 board from Lowe’s and stained them all with Early American by Minwax.

Next, I started shopping for decorating goodies to fill in the crates and shelf. I went to one of my favorite local thrift stores, Fair Haven, and I found 2 little decorative figurines for $.50 each. I hit the jackpot for decor at the Goodwill in Warner Robins, GA when I was visiting my sister Kelley and helping her complete a project for her house. I walked in and within about 20 minutes I bought the 3 vases, the gold pineapple, the gold horse, the little wooden crate that was unfinished and now finished in a golden sage paint, the wood basket on the shelf, the plate on the shelf, the coordinating figurine that is holding the ceramic ball, the ceramic ball, ceramic plant holder, and a copperish wind chime made out of cowbells that is now hanging on my front porch. I got all of those goodies for a total of $48.00.

I love it when I find beautiful things that I can repurpose for additional use somewhere else and they don’t cost much money. It’s a win-win!

One day while shopping at Walmart–I came across 2 Bible verse canvases, the white half-circle piece, and the little ceramic bird for about $17. Another score!

The beautifully framed picture of the old car came from a fund-raising auction that I won back in October. It cost around $60 and came from Scott Beahan at Shutterly Perfect Portraiture.

The framed pictures were originally located across the buffet, but I like them so much better showcased in each crate.

I added a few little plants and painted and stained the beads over the weekend for the gray glass jar and Wow!–I didn’t realize it needed this until it all came together either.

And . . . Yes, I know there are a few empty spots, but that’s just an opportunity to head to the thrift store another day. Shhh . . . don’t tell Ben! HA!

Sometimes I feel like my relationship with Jesus is just like that. I have an area in my life that needs some work. I may even realize I have that need, but not be quite sure what to do to fix the problem or honestly, not be ready to do the hard work to make the repairs.

Finally, the day arrives when I KNOW it’s time to address the issue. Over time, I begin working on it by making new habits, or quitting other bad habits, until eventually, I have a more Christ-like behavior in that area. It’s rarely a quick fix and usually involves hard work and continuous effort on my part to change. After a while, I catch myself being more compassionate, forgiving others more easily, or controlling that anger in situations. I eventually take a step back and say, “Wow–look at how God has helped me to grow in this area.” It’s then that I discover that I am becoming more like Christ through the renovation process.

Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:21-24 (NLT)

Reflection on our own life is a scary, but necessary step in becoming more like Christ. Without it you are choosing to remain stagnant and not growing into the person God wants you to be!

The goal is to keep changing and maturing to reflect Christ in our lives until the day we die. Secretly, I wish God would just sometimes tap me in the head with His “more like Christ” wand and I wouldn’t have to do what it takes to change. Unfortunately, He has never used that wand for my benefit, I have had to learn through making mistakes and trying again.

Hopefully, one day after we have taken the steps to work on those needy areas, we will be able to step back and admire the “makeover”–for just a bit.

Just for fun–Hannah decided to give this 51 year old a makeover. She got this new eyeshadow pallet.

Needless to say–I’m excited for HER to keep this current trend to herself! Ha! No, really–this won’t be repeated. Now off for a washrag! LOL!

2 thoughts on “Makeover Time!

  1. Love this bog. Thank you. And girl you so good go into repurposing things for folks to decorate their homes. LOL I’m sure it’s a thing or it should be. Anyway my house is a bare canvas when you come to visit LOL. Hannah did a beautiful job on your eyeshadow. I’m like you though I don’t wear it as wouldn’t for myself but perfect for her.

  2. Looks really lovely! I love that you have a runner aka dresser scarf on your bureau. I love dresser scarfs and have more than I can use but I cannot part with them! Blessings Julie. We continue to pray day by day.

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