Scan Results and Camera Shopping

I had scans yesterday at Mayo in Jacksonville. We began early and were finished mid-afternoon. I don’t know how to beat around the bush, so we are just going to jump into the results.

My CA 125 numbers went up a little bit from 259 to 276. So that’s not all bad, but it’s not going in the preferred direction. As far as tumor growth goes, all of my tumors have increased in size. A few grew more in size than others, but they all grew none the less. Ben asked our doctor if they had to stage me now what would he say that I was, and our doctor said that because it has metastasized to the liver it would be considered Stage 4. I now have 3 tumors on/in the liver. Basically the cancer has moved from my pelvic area, through the abdomen and up through my chest area including tumors near my heart, the liver, and my breast bone.

We didn’t get the best news, but it could have been so much worse. AND–we have had almost 9 months of slow growth which is a beautiful thing in the cancer world. We have lived so much life these last few months and we have chosen to celebrate the good and not focus on what lies beneath the surface–which is that ugly beast called cancer.

So where does this leave us? Shopping for a new camera of course! A little over 2 years ago, I broke my favorite camera lens when I dropped it. Since then I had lost the sincere joy of taking pictures because I missed that lens and what it could do. Over the last 2 years, I had begun to save some money for a whole new camera, because when I did the price comparison, I could get a newer camera, lens, and newer technology instead of a new lens on 10-year-old technology. We had already made the decision to shop after our Mayo visit, and we didn’t let that news dampen our spirits. We went to the stores and came away completely overwhelmed with all the new technology. Ha! But I do plan to buy a new camera and go shoot some pics. I plan to live life to the fullest–every single day I have left.

Y’all–God is not finished with me yet, He alone knows my last day and I hope it’s somewhere down the road. Way down the road.

Here’s my take-away from my visit–the news was not great, but it doesn’t surprise God. While I did tear up a couple of times yesterday, I chose to focus on the good things the Lord has done through this extended time He has blessed us with. I’m choosing to buy that new camera and we are going to plan a trip and go shoot some pics with it very soon. I still plan to honor God with the life I have left and share with others about learning to Trust God amidst the crap that life sometimes brings.

You have that exact same decision to make every time there’s a bit of unsettling news. You can choose to face the news head-on and choose to trust God, or you can let fear win the battle.

One of the last things I shared with my oncologist yesterday was that despite the news, I had peace in my faith. He told me that he was glad I had peace because so many of his patients do not have that peace and are desperate. He ended our visit by telling me to keep being strong.

It’s funny to me how people label me as “being strong”. The truth is–I’m not, but my trust is found in the One who is strong! His strength provides me with the ability to hold to my choice to have quality of life over quantity. I will continue to use His strength to fuel my strength and “be strong” in Him.

We don’t need to trust in God when all else fails; we trust in God so that when all else fails, we are holding onto Him and He is holding us.

Know your power source–trust in Jesus Christ for your strength!

15 thoughts on “Scan Results and Camera Shopping

  1. Love you!! You are teaching me every time I read your blogs. I am so glad to know that one day we will all be together living in a beautiful place to be never separated again in the presence of the most powerful and loving God! You are so right, Jesus is our strength. I am still believing for Jesus to heal you. Until then he keeps sustaining you every day. Jesus gives us what we need for this day and to give Him all the glory for the marvelous things He has done. Jesus I ask that you would touch Julie and every one of the tumors will disappear in your healing name. I pray all cancer cells would be gone from her and that Drs would be so amazed at what you have done! We give you all praise and glorify your holy name! In the beautiful name of Jesus!

  2. Love you!! Continuing to trust Jesus with you and countless others that are praying! You do amaze me with your strength!❤️

  3. BIG HUGS Julie. Love yall SO MUCH!! You’re a INSPIRATION to MANY!! Love how u Keep on keeping on!!

  4. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.

    One of your sentences took my straight to that song. Thankful for your testimony in what God has so faithfully worked in your heart.

    Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart. Ps 119:2

    Praying and learning from you,

  5. My heart hurts….and yet it sings! Continuing to trust Him for all. You ARE strong because of Whose you are. We love you and your family so much and are still diligently praying for He is able! 💕

  6. Sharing your life and story is truly a blessing in my life! Will continue to pray for you, for we know HE holds tomorrow. 💕💕

  7. Praying for you and your family! You are such an encouragement to others. God’s strength is perfect🙏

  8. Julie, I love you and you are in my prayers! He is the rock of our salvation! And we rejoice in that! Love you sis!

  9. Oh sweet little Julie ! I know you’re a grown woman now, but I guess you will always be that precious little blond girl that we loved so much !
    Your life has been packed from the start and I know you have lived for the Lord and done much in His Kingdom’s work ! Your family is beautiful and you are continuing to live life to the fullest, which is something some people never do ! Who knows, the trumpet could sound at any time and we will all go to our heavenly home, but until then we are looking for His soon return !
    ” Even so Lord come quickly ” I love you.

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