Uncertain Days . . .

This picture of my mom and dad was made in October 2018.

Last week our family found ourselves in a whole new arena of life. We always knew this week would someday arrive, but facing it head-on and thinking and preparing for it eventually are on two very far flung spectrums.

On Tuesday morning, I received a call from my sister telling me of a medical concern for my mom. She woke up and began having uncontrollable tremors mostly on her right side and a little on her left. This required a trip to the ER to find out what was taking place. After CT Scans returned normal, we were advised to get her into a neurologist asap.

After attempting to get an appointment we were told that the earliest available date would be September.

Wednesday morning rolled around and again Mama began having more tremors throughout her body.

Another trip to the ER took place. After several additional tests–nothing life-threatening was discovered and Mom and Sheryl returned home exhausted.

Thursday morning brought some tremors, but nothing compared to the previous days. However, my mom’s ability to balance was affected, making her a risk for falling. Sheryl and I spent the week rotating time with mom and dad to be there to help out as needed.

We knew that our mama had been struggling on and off for the last month with balance issues and spatial issues, but we didn’t realize the difficulties that were taking place with her day-to-day life. Our dad had been helping her and he had been able to meet her needs up until the tremors really changed her ability to be mobile AND safe.

It seems that almost overnight we had to have some hard talks and discussions and make the decision to temporarily move Mom and Dad to our sister’s house on the Christmas Tree Farm.

In a 48 hour period, the Rentz family troops were gathered and in about 10 hours we had some of their things packed, unpacked, set up, and decorated in the suite the Herrin Family had prepared for that “one day in the future”.

On top of that big feat, a ramp was built so Mom and Dad could use it to take them to their personal entrance into the house.

What a blessing this beautiful, handi-cap-ready area had been thought out well in advance of its needed use. I don’t know how easily this could have happened without this provision being in place.

However, even the best-case scenario doesn’t prepare you for the emotional onslaught of realizing that your parents are aging to the point of needing assistance.

Anyone else out there sitting back wondering how life keeps turning your “normal” upside down?

While we were busy handling what life was serving us, we had this verse come to us via my Bible App. This is the Amplified Version which is one of my favorites:

So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes with good temper]; Colossians 3:12 (AMP)

Look at God preparing us for the work that would take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. He was reminding us of how our hearts needed to be full of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience as we helped Mom and Dad aka Nana and Papa, move into their temporary home. Overall, the day was marked with these qualities.

On Saturday, we began the day with prayer, doughnuts, and biscuits and quickly got to work on a variety of tasks. Kelley’s Bible Verse for the day was Isaiah 40:29 (AMP) which says,

He gives strength to the weary, And to him who has no might He increases power.

Again the Lord reminded us of our humanity and His ability to overcome our weaknesses with His strength.

We all have had to do some difficult things this past year. None of our lives will ever be the same as we pass through unchartered waters and move forward into the unknown. God goes before us and is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He empowers us when we are weary and worn out. He loves us and knows what our tomorrows hold for us.

We can be confident in Him and His abilities! Even when your “normal” gets flipped inside out and you don’t know what to expect from the days ahead.

He does–rest in that today!

7 thoughts on “Uncertain Days . . .

  1. Praying for your mom and dad I know this has To be hard for all of you love and miss your mom and dad your mom was the best cook ever love going to your house after church in Jacksonville miss you all

  2. God be with the Rentz family and guide them thru this new way of living…please allow a Neurologist appointment to become available asap somewhere for this precious soul…she is loved so very much and it breaks my heart to think of the family going thru so much already only to have to wait months for an appointment with a specialist…love and prayers…

  3. What amazing forethought. It was such a blessing that the area was prepared way before it was needed. God has blessed your family partly because y’all are so faithful. Very sweet.

  4. Sorry about your mom. I have followed you on facebook for a few years with your cancer. I also have cancer, I have melanoma of the liver, lungs, it started in my right eye. God has been with me though all of this, also with my prayer warriors supporting me.
    You have inspired me with your posts in facebook.
    Thank you for sharing your journey with others.

  5. Praying for Ms Virginia and Brother Darrell. It is hard when our parents are unable to take care of themselves. I know that all of you will take the best care of them and God will take care of them also, as each day passes. Love and prayers for all of you.

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