Thankful for His Goodness

Our whirlwind of a morning began at Mayo as the sun was rising. We arrived about 7:20 am to get a Covid test and bloodwork. Then we headed back to my cousin Charlene’s house for a bit of rest before returning to Mayo for my procedure. In between, I had a cup of hot tea.

We made our final trip back to Mayo at 12:30 pm for the drain procedure to begin about 2:30 pm. There is a much more technical name for this procedure–but we will keep it easy.

After gowning up, including those compression socks with the smiley faces, I began to meet the team that would be assisting with the drain placement.

They gave me some “I don’t care” meds, followed by “twilight drugs” and finished with straight pain meds.

By the time the procedure began, I hardly felt the lidocaine this time as they proceeded to make entry into the spot where they would be placing the drain.

Thankfully, the IR doctors were able to place the drain without any problems in about 45 minutes.

I was transferred to the post-op area and they allowed Ben to accompany me while we waited for the discharge procedures to take place.

When it was time for me to get up and go to the restroom, I quickly discovered that one of the incision places was on a major muscle in my abdomen. It hurt to stand, to turn, and to sit. It will probably take a few days for this uncomfortable pain to diminish.

But overall–we are thankful!

Thankful that God heard all of our prayers and answered them so that my body can have relief from ascites build up.

We are thankful that the procedure went smoothly and that in a few days the current pain will be a memory.

Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.

Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me.

Psalm 103:1-2

3 thoughts on “Thankful for His Goodness

  1. Love you friend, praying for the site to heal quickly. Thank you for sharing honestly and transparently. You are a treasure and you are making such an impact for the kingdom.

  2. At this stage in your life, you may receive less comments on your posts because we simply do not have words or much experience with someone as transparent as you’ve been about your illness and journey with ovarian cancer. Julie, I’m praying the same as I did at the beginning! I believe in a God that can heal completely and miraculously at any stage!! Look how far Lazarus was gone! I also believe in a God that knows the number of our days and sometimes heals by giving us our new bodies in the place Jesus went to prepare for us! This world is not our home.
    I know you know Him. You’ve shown the world. I know you trust Him.
    I’m asking believing that you are a miracle already and will continue to feel His presence, His guiding, His comfort and His love.
    I also pray for your family! That their hearts will know and trust Him and be comforted no matter what!! I love you and thank you so much for sharing your heart with so many of us!!

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