Getting Fingerprinted Today!

Well today is the day we will get fingerprinted for Immigration Approval for Hannah.  I am very excited…

“Don’t you understand even yet?” — Jesus

So some of you might be wondering about the title–but you have to give me a few lines…

Life IS Precious!

I know we all know this–but having just recently returned from Macon, GA having spent 7 days with…

A Waiting Angel in China . . .

I want to be better about advocating for children in need–this just came across my inbox. This 13…

Have you ever been guilty of having “little” faith?

I have–I don’t like to admit it–because it feels bad. When God opened up the world to Hannah–I…

ME, ME, ME… Oh yeah–ME!

Before you think I’ve lost my mind (and I know some of you just might), I want to…

Waiting . . .

We are waiting for the mail to bring us our Homestudy.  Oh where oh where can you be?…

Our Completed Home Study is On it’s Way Here!

Yeah!! Doing the Happy Dance!  We just got an email that our homestudy is finished.  Now it has to…

Do you Wanna Dance?

We just got this adorable video of Hannah! She’s the one dressed in pink, up front and she…

A Little Bit of Sunshine to Tide us Over!

No–I am not referring to Auburn winning the National Championship! Even though in my household–all the males are…

Our house is Soooo Clean!

Well we just completed our In-Home visit with our social worker.  I think we should tell our kids…

Can you imagine Hannah’s face when she sees this?

Our Christmas was fantastic!  It was laid back and low key . . . Here’s a picture of…