Moments 2 Meditate I CAN DO

I feel like the best way to explain the purpose for this M2M is to share an excerpt from Chapter 5 of Trusting God When Life Gives You Crap. This chapter centered on the enormity of the debulking surgery to get my body to R0–not being able to see any cancer with the naked eye. Here’s how I ended Chapter 5

Today I want you to get out a sheet of paper and write a list.  This is your chance to think about all of the things you CAN do.  So many times, we only focus on what we can’t accomplish. 

Today is a day to open your arms out wide, acknowledge that God has a very specific plan for your life, and thank Him for all of the things you CAN do. 

One of my favorite translations of the Bible is the Amplified Bible.  Let’s read Philippians 4:13.  It says, “I can do all things(which He has called me to do) through Him who strengthens and empowers me (to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.) 

Don’t you love the emphasis on how we can do all the things that God has called us to do? 

Many times, we read this verse and we think that we are called to do all things.  Be careful with that thinking.  God does not call us to all things, He gives us very specific tasks and then He equips you for that task.  This means that we can do all of the things that God has called us to do in His power, in His strength, and in His might. 

Run with that today and get busy writing down those things you sense God calling you to do.  Then do it in His strength and rely on Christ’s sufficiency.

Interestingly enough–this was written at a time in my cancer journey when I could hardly leave my home. During the season after my colostomy reversal, my body was not cooperating with figuring out how to compensate for the loss of part of my colon, some of my small intestines, and rebuilding muscles after 10 months of not being used. Instead, I found myself sick at home and mostly by myself when our girls were at school and Ben was at work.

In this season I had to work at not being upset at all of the “normal” things I could not do. I learned to be thankful for the things “I could do” and trust God in the things I could not.

Even today, three years after the colostomy reversal surgery, my body still has a mind of its own and goes into “crazy” mode. It could be so easy to live a frustrated, angry at missed opportunities life, but I have learned to thank God for the things I CAN DO. I choose to be a “CAN DO GIRL” instead of an “I CAN’T GIRL”! (Ok–don’t snicker at the “GIRL” part I’m well aware of my 51-year-old self. Ha!)

Here are a few of my “I CAN DO” List:

  1. I Can choose to obey Christ.
  2. I Can forgive others, because I have been forgiven.
  3. I Can love the people God puts in my life.
  4. I Can have gratitude.
  5. I Can pray.
  6. I Can find joy in simplicity.
  7. I Can laugh and have fun in life.
  8. I Can create, write, and have purpose.
  9. I Can find beauty in creation.
  10. I Can help others.
  11. I Can sing loudly in the shower just for the hilarity of it!
  12. I Can give to others–my time, skills, and $.
  13. I Can listen to others as they share their heartbreaks, fears, etc.
  14. I Can read for pleasure and knowledge.
  15. I Can be still and listen for God.
  16. I Can eat the kind of food that is good for my body.
  17. I Can live life with great intention.
  18. I Can redeem not escaping from my last escape room attempt. LOL!
  19. I Can give hugs and smiles. (Yes–even now)
  20. I Can enjoy sitting outside and listening/watching the birds.

#7 Sam and I Laughing at our failed, but hysterical fishing trip!

# 18 The Failed Escape Room in Daytona Beach–Hardest Escape Room with 4 or 5 rooms

These are just a few of my “CAN DO’s”!

Now–what about you? What things can you do?