My Verse Part 2

I am FINALLY ready to embrace this verse completely! It has only taken me 7 months to find and hold onto the truths found within this verse!

Yes, I have still been shying away from it for the last few months. Oh–I knew it was there, but I kept it at bay.

And again, it didn’t keep the trials from coming.

I hope that I have mostly reflected the spirit of remaining steadfast in the trials. I know that we all struggle and have to pick up the pieces and begin again sometimes–but in reality—that is “remaining steadfast”. Not giving up, holding fast to our faith, and enduring bravely.

The Lord absolutely 100% knew this was the verse for me this year and I hate that my stubbornness has kept me from being wholely prepared.

One of the aspects of the verse I want to look at today is the meaning of the word trial. The word in the Bible used in this verse is peirasmos and Strong’s Concordance defines it as a trial as in proving something; the trial of man’s fidelity, integrity, virtue, or constancy. It could also be a temptation to sin either from the desires of within or from outward circumstances. The trial could also be adversity, affliction, or trouble sent by God and used to test or prove one’s character.

I don’t want to camp out here–on the problem. Look at the next set of words because they bring us such hope!

for when he has stood the test” I love the word “when”! It assumes the best–it encourages me to keep at it, strive for the goal, and never lose hope or give up. The thought here is that the person has successfully completed the prooving or the testing of their faith. They did not give up and they kept making their way toward the goal. Note that this doesn’t mean there was perfection. Only Jesus stood steadfast and tried with perfection. But it does mean that even if the person on trial got off track, they didn’t remain off track! They refocused and began again, and again, if necessary.

Finally, I want us to look at the reward of successfully completing the trial, “he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those that love him.” This was my “aha” moment today. This word for crown is NOT the filled with jewels crown designated for royalty. This crown is a crown of victory like an olympian gold medalist. Their victory included years of hard work, dedication, failures, small victories, and finally, the gold medal. Likewise, we too only receive our crown at the end of the battle when the test/trial is over. This really helped me to see the big picture because we have been watching the Olympics at home. One of my favorite parts of the games is when they give the “back story” of the competitor. I sit in amazement when I hear their story involved sacrifice, self-denial, and continuous effort to get to the place where they can compete at the level they have achieved.

Can you even imagine receiving such a crown in Heaven one day? I am almost broken inside today over that thought.

With the recent news of cancer having metastasized to my liver, outside of my heart, in my abdomen, etc. The thoughts of enduring and persevering through the trials are very real in my mind.

Tears are silently falling down my cheeks. The Lord was so wise and mindful of me to give me this verse and I am now, very thankful for His wisdom in my life.

Okay—wiping my cheeks off and getting ready to wrap it up!

Today, as I was researching this verse, I came upon a scholar who described the “crown of life”. He shared that life for us on the earth is usually associated with burdens or problems to overcome. Sometimes it even feels like they are continuous with glimpses of sunshine. He painted a word picture of a struggling plant with small leaves, without the ability to flourish like it was created to be. Then one day it gets transplanted into a perfect environment and it is transformed into the most beautiful, healthy plant. We will one day be like that transformed plant if we have a relationship with God and remain steadfast through the trials. One day our victory crown will be given to us and we will bask in the glory and the presence of Almighty God.

That is a small glimpse of the “crown of life”.

While it is impossible for us to know all that Heaven has in store for us, we do know that we will have an understanding one day that will allow us to grasp things that are not possible on this earth. It will be a beautiful, glorious day!

One thought on “My Verse Part 2

  1. Thanks for sharing ❤️
    This reminds me of “Footsteps in the sand”.
    Love you and miss y’all a lot.

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